Quick Guide to What Your Pain Means Metaphysically
Our bodies communicate with us every moment. Body pain,
aches, and tension are telling us there is something to release or increase
based on where it arises on the body. These sensations usually arise because
we’re not letting something go. Luckily, our amazing bodies relay these
messages to help us understand what to do to heal.
Head & Chest:
There is a separation from your inner truth. Be honest with yourself. Increase
connection, forgiveness, or love. Follow your desires.
Back, Spine,
Shoulders, & Muscles: There is a feeling of being weighed down from
responsibilities placed on us or that we place on ourselves. Find the will to
ask for help or a change. Trust yourself and release doubts.
Stomach: Let go
of uncertainty. Trust the natural process of life, life flows naturally and
gives us what we need at all times.
Groin, Hips, & Kidney
Area: There is a feeling of being guilty, stressed, or frustrated with
something you don’t want to deal with. Face your feelings and honor them so
they can be released. Let your creativity flow.
Arms & Hands:
Don’t hold back to reach inner and outer goals.
Legs, Knees, &
Feet: Face an issue you are trying to run away from to release it. Follow
what brings you joy in life.
Right Side of the Body:
We are blaming our external environments.
Left Side of the Body:
We are blaming within ourselves.
I always try to keep my articles short and concise but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Enlightening Guidance
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